Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blog Post 5

100 Ways to use your iPod to Learn and Study Better

Using the iPod to study

100 Ways to use your iPod to learn and study better is a website that is dedicated to all of the different features that your iPod has and how to use these features to your advantage. This website is geared toward sending the message that an iPod is more than just an MP3 player like it used to be. The latest technology for iPods is insane. There are countless things that you can do on such a small technology-geared educational tool. The 100 ways to use your iPod website has it broken down in to categories so you can go to exactly what you’re looking for. These categories are: study guides, podcasts, tutorials, applications, classroom help, iPod learning support, tools and sites, iTunesU, and a miscellaneous section. Each section is geared toward helping students in education. It gives links to things like Sparknotes Applications, podcasts on different subjects, and iTunesU. Most applications are free and inexpensive. Your iPod can make learning easier than it has ever been. It is more than just a music player, it is an educational tool and this website gives you ways to transform your device as such.

Eagles Nest Radio and Blog

Eagles Nest Radio Students

Eagle’s Nest Radio is a 3rd grade class blog. The blog includes podcasts on the different subjects that the students are studying in school. The most recent post was entitled, “Roamin with the Ancient Romans.” This podcast was about Rome and its history. It contained information about Julius Caesar, great Roman architecture, Roman gladiators, Cleopatra and more. Another podcast was “Totally Terrific Time Travel with Explorers.” This podcast had one student playing the narrator who traveled back in time to meet great explorers. When he met the explorers they each gave a short biography of themselves and some of the great things they did.

The blog is separated by date and section. It amazes me that these third graders podcasts are so wonderful. They are so well put together. What a neat thing to do with a third grade class! I can imagine that if I were in third grade I would have loved this! It is a great way to engage students in learning. I never thought about podcasts being recorded by children at such a young age but these podcasts would even be great to use as a learning tool in my own classroom. How Neat!

The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom

This is a video/blog about the benefits of podcasting in the classroom. It gives reasons why it is advantageous to the students as well as the teacher. Podcasting is an easy way to stay connected. In the video it shows a little girl who is running a fever and is forced to miss school. It was not as big of a deal that she had a big test coming up because she could access the lesson via podcasts on the Internet. I really liked how the teachers use enthusiastic voices to keep it interesting and grab the students’ attention. The video also includes students giving reasons why they like podcasts and how they help them in the classroom.

Under the video, Joe Dale, summarizes in bullet points the advantages of why he thinks podcasts are beneficial to use in the classroom. This is what he listed:

• an effective way of interacting with students outside of the classroom
• a form of learning students of today are familiar with and therefore makes it relevant to them
• it allows for differentiation and project based learning
• students can access the higher order thinking skills in Bloom's taxonomy
• it promotes creativity and innovation
• it can offer distance learning opportunities for absent students
• the process of creating and uploading audio files is easy
• students can record role plays in character making their learning more memorable
• parents can see and hear what their children are doing at school

I think that podcasting is great. I recently created my first podcast with a group of students in my EDM310 class. It was on the use of iPads in the classroom. You should check it out on my blog.


  1. It sounds like we may have you hooked and that you will be a podcasting teacher. I hope so. Also, put your iPod to work!

  2. I loved what you wrote about how useful an iPod can be. I have an iPod touch and I can't imagine life without it now. It can be used in so many different ways. I recently purchased a file storage that allows me to upload word works(excel, power point, and word) all onto my iPod and access them through my iPod. It has been a lifesaver. I also think that podcasting will be very effective in the classroom, and I too plan to podcast in my classroom.
