Georgia - 6th grade - Ms.Lurgin's Class

The blog that I was first assigned to was a student in Ms. Lurgin's class. The class is in 6th grade and they use for their class blog. My student's name was Georgia. Georgia wrote about her snowboarding trip to Asessippi.
Georgia wrote, "Snowboarding at Asessippi was exciting. It was exciting mostly because we had a few wipeouts. You never knew what the person was going to run the chairlift let me tell you some were terrible. They wouldn’t stop if you fell off. The little bumps were quite dangerous. Well besides these things I had a lot of fun. I would definatly go back anyday."
I replied by saying, "My name is Brandin Brosh. I am a student at the University of South Alabama in EDM 310.
I have never been snowboarding before. I went skiing one time in Lake Tahoe and it was a blast. When I went they told my snowboarding was very difficult and that if I hadn’t snowboarded before to stick with skiing. Needless to say, I took their advice. Skiing was still difficult though. You’re lucky that your parents take you on trips like that! Most kids do not get to have those type of experiences until they get a lot older. I really enjoyed reading your blog and hope to hear from you soon."
After getting my comment, Georgia wrote me back. She said, "I have to say it takes a long time to get the hang of snowboarding. This is my third year and I’m only good now. Well I guess they are right when they say practice makes perfect. Many people in my grade never went skiing before, when they did they loved it and wanted to go back again. I would definatly suggest this to anyone who never went before.
Write back soon!
Justin - 5th Grade - Mr. St.Pierre's Class

Justin asked, " If you had 1,000,000 dollar’s what would you do answer this question?"
I responded to Justin by saying this, "Justin this is a tough question. If I had one million dollars I believe that I would invest it. Before I invested it, I would buy a nice house and keep about $100,000 as spending money in a checking account. The rest of the money would be put in to a high interest savings account so that my money would make money while sitting in the bank! How awesome is that, Justin? Did you know that by putting your money in the bank and investing it you may have the ability to earn what is called interest! Interest is when the bank pays you money for letting them borrow against money that is in your account! My million dollars would eventually turn in to two million! Then I would have to decide how to spend that as well!
How would you spend your million dollars?."
Justin has not written me back yet to tell me his response.
Wyatt - 5th Grade - Ms.Squire's Class

Wyatt is a 5th grade student who lives in Auckland, New Zealand. In his blog post he wrote about his family meeting his teacher.
Wyatt's blog post said, "Greetings! It’s the 22nd of February 2011. It’s a very special day because my parents and whanau are going to meet my teacher. My teacher is Ms Squires. I’m very excited about all the neat things we’re going to do this year. It’s not secret at Pt England that my teacher comes up with very creative ways of sharing our learning. Watch this space! 2011 here we come!"
In response to Wyatt, I replied by saying, "Hi Wyatt. My name is Brandin. I am a student at the University of South Alabama in the United States. I am in a class called EDM 310 and we get to explore children's blogs and comment on them as an assignment.
What a great attitude you have towards learning, Wyatt! I hope your family meeting your teacher was a good experience. Creative learning is always the best learning because it keeps things interesting! Continue doing well in school. Make your family and whanau proud! By the way Wyatt, I have a blogger as well. My link is "