Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Blog Post 12

After watching the video write a blog post and explain why you think this is happening. Why are our brains becoming so much more active online rather than while just reading a book? How, as future educators, are we going to adapt?

personal blog.

I think that this video is just another piece of evidence to the puzzle of why in fact, technology is a must in the classroom. Our brains are twice as active online as they are when we are just reading out of a book with pencil and paper. The internet has so much more to offer. I think our brains are much more active online because the internet has so much more to offer. The amount of information that you can get from a book is limited. When you search online for a subject the information is endless. Not only is the information endless but the illustration is as well. It is the 21st century and soon enough classrooms will not even be using books. I believe that children need to learn to become more "Internet Savvy" at a young age so that their brains can learn to adapt. The internet holds many more opportunities and if we can get these opportunities rolling in the classroom I feel that the possibilities will be endless. You can take Ms.Cassidy's first grade class as a prime example of much more active students will be in a classroom of technology. Take a look at Ms.Cassidy's classroom here.

1 comment:

  1. Brandin,
    That's a really interesting video, thank you for sharing. I think this would be a good project at the beginning of the semester because it can get students thinking about what the internet has to offer. A comment that Mrs. Cassidy said that stuck with me was "Students don't want to have to turn their brains off when they enter the classroom". Your video describes this quote perfectly. Good job!
